HOQUET Magazine No. 12 (2), 2014
- The Malaga violin school of the 19th century (1871-1971) , by Javier Claudio Portales
- The legato of the left hand applied to the works for solo violin by JSBach , by Santiago de la Riva Morillo and María Ángeles Martínez González
- Predecessors of the current horn , by Sergio Faus Rodríguez
- Didactic considerations on the physical processes of the trumpet player , by Sergio Faus Rodríguez
- Concertante symphonism for violin in France: the work of Jean Baptiste Davaux , by Rocío García Sánchez
- The miracle of possibilities. The trumpet in all the work of Juan Sebastián Bach, the trumpeter and the natural trumpet , by José David Guillén Monje
- The Nativity in the Cathedral of Malaga: year 1751 , by Laura Lara Moral
- Violins with history , by Sergio Martínez González
- The Wind Quintet (A walk through history) , by Juan Manuel Ortigosa Fernández and Rafael García Gómez
- The recapitulation in the Sonata KV. 280 in F major and KV. Mozart's 457 in C minor , by Diego Pereira López
- An example of perfection and complexity in the adaptation of classical forms to the 20th century: the Piano Sonata (1972) by Manuel Castillo , by Elisa Pulla Escobar
- Instrumental music in the cathedral of Tudela: Second Obligado Concert by Pablo Rubla Frago , by Ibon Zamacola Zubiaga
- The architecture of the Superior Conservatory of Music of Málaga , by Candela Gaitán Salinas
- "Lyric Theater Workshop" of the Superior Conservatory of Music of Málaga: an interdisciplinary experience , by Francisco Javier Hernández García
- The library of the Superior Conservatory of Music of Málaga: an approach to the cataloging of its collections , by Laura Lara Moral
- Events. Chronicle of an announced trip , by Juan Ramón Veredas Navarro