HOQUET Magazine No. 13 (3), 2015
- The guitar in its cultural modes , by Juan Carlos Almendros Baca.
- The pants and the pianoforte , by Juan Ignacio Fernández Morales.
- The pre-Christophorian piano , by Juan Ignacio Fernández Morales.
- Flowers and music , by Germán González Sánchez.
- The mute on the trumpet , by José David Guillén Monje.
- Stravinsky and the clarinet: three pieces for solo clarinet by Juan M. Ortigosa Fernández.
- Towards the Boehm system. The clarinet of the 19th century in England , by Juan M. Ortigosa Fernández and Rafael García Gómez.
- The musical higher education system in Andalusia: Reality and aspirations , by José M. Oyola Pérez and Cristina Gatón Lasheras.
- Towards a culture of collaborative work , by Elena Pomares Sánchez
- The dramatized Madrigal: Claudio Monteverdi by Náser Rodríguez García.
- Women's work in music. Women of the composers , by Mª Jesús Viruel Arbáizar.