Instructions for authors

1. Articles will be sent, as a priority, by email as an attachment to:

2. The works presented must be original . Interviews with relevant personalities are accepted, as long as they are accompanied by a research study that justifies them.

3. The maximum deadline for receiving articles will be the second Monday of the month of February .

4. The articles received will be examined, first and foremost, internally, by the editorial board and evaluated based on their suitability to the thematic line of the magazine and their own merits. Likewise, their evaluation will be implemented through the external arbitration system. The communication of the definitive acceptance or not of the articles will be the second Monday of the month of April . For its publication, the editorial board and its evaluators could ask its authors for some modifications related, basically, to formal aspects.

5. Word format, with Times New Roman font size 12, and line spacing of 1.5. The margins will be 3 cm. The text will be fully justified in the global settings.

6. Cover:

to. full article title
b. abbreviated title of the article, in the event that the original is very long
c. full name of the author
d. ID number
and. institutional affiliation
F. phone
g. email

7. Articles in Spanish, Italian and English are accepted. Likewise, a summary – in Spanish – and an abstract – in English – must be included, of between 150 and 200 words 2 of each article, in Times New Roman 11 and single spacing. If the article is written in a language other than Spanish, a summary must be presented in the original language and another in Spanish, with the same formal characteristics.

8. 5 keywords will be inserted, in Times New Roman 11 and single spacing (in Spanish and English). If the article is written in a language other than Spanish, the keywords will be presented in the original language and in Spanish, with the same rules outlined in this same point.

9. The length of research articles (not reviews or opinion articles) will be a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 25 pages. The editorial board could ask the authors of articles that do not comply with this requirement to review them. In exceptional cases, these limitations could be exceeded, with due authorization from the editorial board.

10. As few page formatting codes as possible will be used, such as tabs, margins, etc.

11. Bold or underlined letters will not be used to highlight a word, expression or similar, only italics or quotation marks.

12. Foreign expressions, with respect to the language presented, will be in italics.

13. In the text, the titles of musical works must be in italics (for example La Mer ), except for names that refer to genres or tempo indications. In the latter case it will be written in normal letters (Symphony No. 5). Titles that are the first line/verse of a song will be indicated with double quotes ("Yesterday"), and not in italics. Nicknames will be marked with double quotes (“Eroica” Symphony).

14. Angled quotation marks, also called Latin or Spanish (""), should be used in the first instance, reserving the English ("") and simple quotation marks (‟) for when parts of a text already enclosed in quotation marks must be placed between quotation marks (using single quotation marks). in the last place).

15. The headings will be in capital letters, bold, and unnumbered.

16. The subheadings will be in lower case, bold and unnumbered.

17. Textual quotes within the body of the work:

to. Quotes of up to three lines will be enclosed in quotation marks within the text. The complete bibliographic reference must be included in the footnote.
b. Citations of more than three lines in a separate paragraph, leaving one line blank, single spacing, indented to the right (1 cm), and font size 10. In this case the text will not be enclosed in quotation marks. The complete bibliographic reference must appear at the bottom of the page (see at the end of the document).

18. The bibliographic information will be presented through the footnote system, with all the sources used being organized at the end of the text in a complete bibliography. At a formal level, footnotes will be in Times New Roman 10 and single spacing. If a spelling sign (comma, period, etc.) matches, the call for the footnote will appear before it. If there are also quotation marks, the reference will be included after them and before the punctuation mark.

19. Acronyms will be written without periods and their meaning will be specified in a footnote.

20. To indicate the keys, the name of the note will be put in capital letters and major or minor without abbreviation (for example, G major).

21. As already mentioned, the bibliography will be placed at the end of the article, following the rules provided (see below), and arranged in alphabetical order.

22. Musical examples and/or photos, tables, etc. They will be inserted in the article, numbered and with captions or legends duly written by the author.

23. A proposed abbreviated title must be indicated if the original is very long. This reduction will be the one used, for layout purposes, in the header of the pages of each article.

24. From the copies already published, available on the website of the Superior Conservatory of Music of Málaga, the sending of originals can be verified. This material is available so that the authors can verify, if necessary, compliance with the standards before submitting the article.

Failure to comply with the style guidelines may result in non-publication of the article. The editorial board reserves the right to make spelling and grammar corrections. Only questions of style or doubts related to content will be consulted. The authors will have a maximum deadline to make the corrections suggested to them, the first Monday of the month of April. Failure to respond may mean non-publication of the article.

Permissions to publish any type of documentation (photo, score, etc.) must have been previously requested and granted to the author of the article, who will assume any civil responsibilities that may arise in the event of improper use of the published documentation. Any violation of respect for intellectual property will be the responsibility of the authors. They will also be responsible for the contents of the articles.

Rules for citing sources

Final bibliography

  • Books
    SURNAME, Name of the author. Title of the book . City of publication: Publisher, year.
    Examples :
    ROSEN, Charles. The classic style . Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven. Madrid: Alianza, 1999.
    BOYD, Malcolm and CARRERAS, Juan José (editors). Music in Spain in the 18th century . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
  • Book as part of a collection
    Lastname name. Title , Collection title, volume number. City of publication: Publisher, year.
    Example :
    BIANCONI, Lorenzo. The 17th century , History of music, vol. 5. Madrid: Turner, 1991.
  • Contributions to a collective work
    SURNAME, Name of the author of the chapter. «Chapter title». In: Title of the book . Name and surname of the editor (editor). City of publication: Publisher, year, pp. (start page-end page).
    Example :
    CARRERAS, Juan José. "The Spanish cantatas from the Mackworth collection in Cardiff". In: Music in Spain in the 18th century . Malcolm Boyd and Juan José Carreras (editors). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, pp. 127-141.
  • Magazine articles
    SURNAME, Name of the author. "Article title". Name of the journal , Volume number (publication date), pp. start page-end page.
    Example :
    SAMSON, Jim. "The reception of Chopin: Theory, history, analysis." Quodlibet. Magazine of musical specialization , 14 (June 1999), pp. 48-67.
  • Notes accompanying recordings
    SURNAME, Name of the author of the notes. CD (or disc, etc.) notes CD title . City of publication: Record company, serial number, year.
    Example :
    JACOBSON, Bernard. Brahms CD Notes: Streichquintette . Hamburg: Deutsche Gramophon, 453 420-2, 1997.
  • Concert and performance program notes
    SURNAME, Name of the author of the notes. Notes on Title of the work , Name and surname of the composer, details of the concert or performance including date and place.
    Example :
    CORTÉS SANTAMARTA, David. Notes on Carmen by Georges Bizet, on the occasion of its performances in December 2002, at the Teatro Real.
  • Articles taken from the Internet
    SURNAME, Name of the author of the article. "Article title". Main post title . Other information (if any: publication date, publisher, etc.). <Internet address> (Consulted Date of access to the article).
    Example :
    SALGADO, Susana. «Bautista, Julián». Grove Music Online. Laura Macy (editor). <> (Accessed 7-10-2007).
  • Sheet music
    If it is a publication without editorial interventions, it will be cited as a book.
    Example :
    BEETHOVEN, Ludwig van. Quintett für 2 Violinen, 2 Violen und Violonchello , op. 4. London: Eulenburg, 1937.
  • Critical intervention
    If there is any critical intervention, the editor must be noted.
    Example :
    MOZART, Wolfgang Amadeus. Die Zauberflöte , Neue Ausgabe sämtlicher Werke, vol. 19, ed. by Noel Zaslow. Kassel: Bärenreiter, 1986.

Citations in footnotes

  • First date
    The same complete reference data will be included, although with the following presentation.
    Example :
    Charles Rosen, The Classical Style. Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven , Madrid, Alianza, 1999, p. 35.
  • Next appointments
    Only the abbreviated name of the author and title (abbreviated, if long) of the source will be included.
    Example :
    C. Rosen, The classical style ..., p. 37
    If the repetition of the reference is immediate, Ibid would be used. and the page number if it varies.

Final discography of the work (if any)

Recording title . Recording medium (CD, DVD, etc.). City of publication: Record company, serial number, year. Interpreters.
Example :
Ernesto Halffter: Sinfonietta . CD. Barcelona: Discos Ensayo, 1990, ENY-CD- 9915. English Chamber Orchestra. Director: Enrique García Asensio.

If you do not have all the record data, only those that are available must be indicated).